Our teacher is Mrs Chapman and our teaching assistant is Mrs Whalley. Mrs Anderson supports too. Mrs Cooper also supports in class when Mrs Whalley covers.
Miss Whitehouse is our midday.
Start and finish times
Start – 8:45 We do quick maths every morning at 8.45 so please be on time. Please try and order your child's lunch at home. Phonics groups start at 9am.
Finish – 3:15
Reading and home learning expectations
Children will have a reading book which is closely linked to their phonics group. Please read with your child as often as possible at home and sign their diary x3 week. The children earn stickers and awards for reading at home. Children will read with an adult in school as often as possible, for some children this may be every day. Each child has a set day to read and change their book but they should bring it in every day!!
Your child’s progress in reading will be helped hugely by reading at home. This will form part of their homework, reading at least 5 minutes each night with an adult is the goal!
Children can change their library books every Thursday in school. Please remind them to have it in their bags on Thursday.
PE kits
PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
Children need to wear a white t.shirt, black shorts and pumps/trainers.
Please make sure they have their kit. It is easier just to leave it in school in a drawstring bag, on their peg. They can take it home each half term to be washed.
Our Curriculum
What it's made of/How it works.
Summer 1
In English we are learning how to write non chronological reports.
In Maths we are learning all about fractions, including halves, quarters and thirds.
In Science we are learning about Materials.
We don't have a History topic to teach this half term but we will still be recapping on our previous topics to ensure the knowledge has stuck!
In Geography we are learning about the coast. We have our trip to Blackpool on 18th June!
In DT we are learning about food and how to make a healthy wrap. This links to another science unit all about food groups and a balanced diet.
In PSHE we are learning about feelings, keeping healthy (linked to DT and food) and growing and changing.
In RE we are learning about; 'What can we learn from sacred, holy books?' We learn more about The Bible, The Torah Scroll and The Qur'an.
In PE we have two sessions a week. The first unit we are learning is Net Wall Games, followed by Sending and Receiving.
In Music we have a music teacher called Joe this half term.
In Computing we are learning to create music on the computers.
Snack information
Please ensure you bring a water bottle to school every day filled only with water. There will be fruit available for snack at break time. Please only bring healthy snacks.
We communicate through Class Dojo, if you need me do not hesitate to drop me a message.
You can upload pictures to your child's portfolio. I may create a folder for a specific task.
Please bring your reading books to school every day. Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be returned to school by Wednesday. Homework will always be:
spellings (spellings are tested on a Friday)
maths (linked to this weeks learning in class)
I will often share good examples of homework in the weekly update.
Links to Support Learning
I may add video links in the weekly update/portfolio that link to that weeks lessons.
Please monitor any online games that your child can access. Ensure that parent restrictions are enabled and limit the amount of screen time that they have.
Maths loads of good games, We use hit the button a lot in class. lots of games to explore and resources. This is probably best on a laptop, I haven't tried it on a phone.
Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars ( Children have their log in on the inside cover of their reading diary.
White Rose app (this is really good!) It's called 1 Minute Maths.
We don't use as many apps/games for English in class. There are games on topmarks and ict games like for maths.
Science You can select the current topic for Science, watch a video and complete a quiz.
I often keep tasks open so that the children can access them at home too.
Thank you for you continued support
Mrs Chapman