Welcome to our class page! 

In our class our teacher is Miss Wright with Mrs Taylor as our teaching assistant. 

We start our day at 8:45am and finish at 3:15pm, drop off and pick up is from the KS2 playground.

Our dinner lady is called Mrs Robinson.


Our PE days are a Tuesday and a Thursday in the afternoon - send your child in in their uniform and then we will get them changed after lunch.


The children will have a morning break, you will have to bring your own snacks as school can't provide them. Make sure they are healthy snacks such as rice cakes, fruit or vegetables. Make sure to send your child in with a water bottle so they can have a drink throughout the day. A friendly reminder that only water is allowed in your child's in class drink. 


We communicate on Class Dojo, if you need to contact me don't hesitate to message me on there. If you need your code for your child let us know and we'll send home a new code for you to connect. Also follow us on twitter @MissWright_LCPS


I will be sending reading books home - make sure you check your child's bag for books, make a comment and sign in their reading record and we will change the book in school the next day. Don't forget about our reading challenge! We would love to see you reach your bronze, silver and gold awards.


Homework will be sent out on a Friday  and brought back in by Wednesday. Each week your child will get their spellings, a times table or number bonds sheet, our knowledge organiser for one of our topics and a reading book. If you feel like your child needs extra support in an area send myself a dojo message and I can send home some more supportive work. At the front of their homework books will be a log in code for Numbots, Timestable Rockstars and Purple Mash - these are all educational and will support them with their learning.


Websites that will help your child:

https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/3688   - times table rockstars, this will help your child with times tables skills

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button    - hit the button will help with number fact recall (number bonds and times tables)

https://www.purplemash.com/sch/lyndhurst-sk16   - purple mash has lots of educational games on there


What we are learning this half term! 

 As Mathematicians we will be learning all about fractions, adding & subtracting and finding fractions of amounts. We will also be learning about money, converting pounds and pence, adding & subtracting money and finding the change. 

As Scientists we will be learning about light & shadow, how shadows work and how we can see reflections. We will be investigating how to protect our eyes from the sun and how dangerous it can be for us. 

In Geography we will be looking at how mountains are formed, the difference between tectonic plates and continents and the different layers of the Earth. We will also start to look at how volcanoes are formed! 

In RE we will be looking at how Christians use the Bible to give them inspirational and supportive words. We will be looking at the supportive words that we use when we are in a tricky situation and need guidance. 

In Spanish we are learning the different words for musical instruments! 

As writers we will be writing a character description and a setting description based on a video called Invasions on Literacy Shed. 

In PSHE we will be looking at good and bad feelings, who can help us with these feelings and what to do when we start to feel uncomfortable if someone asks us to keep something secret. We will be learning the difference between good secrets and bad secrets. 

In PE we will be learning how to play basketball and rounders! As artists we will be exploring line drawings based on prehistoric art - a link back to our learning in September about Stone Age to Iron Age Britain!

Manchester Museum

Our Trip to Martin Mere!

There Were Some Very Noisy Cranes...

Our Stone Age to Iron Age Workshop!

We pretended to be fierce tribal warriors...