Reading Environment

Reading Environments at Lyndhurst

We have worked tirelessly to ensure our children have calming and engaging reading areas/displays in an attempt to promote a love of reading and a positive reading culture amongst our students. We have sourced hundreds of books for both Key Stage 1 and 2 libraries through various funding streams such as our 'Reading for Pleasure' project for example, ensuring we have a broad and balanced range of different and diverse authors, text types, and genres.  Take a look at these environments below!


Outdoor Reading Areas

We have begun creating outdoor reading areas for both EYFS and KS1. These  provide a calm, comfortable and above all dry, space for children to indulge in a book.  Books in the areas are rotated at half-termly intervals and linked to the curriculum. These areas are monitored by our Reading Champions who are responsible for the up-keep of the areas.

School Entrance Area

In our main corridor we have a display of books from the 'Little People, Big Dreams' collection which closely aligns with our school value 'Inspire'.