
Over the last year we have worked alongside Asda and their Ashton Community Champion Collette Reagan. Together we have had a number of successful projects that have directly benefitted our families.


Thanks to a successful grant, we were able to make 30 food hampers that fed a family of four for a day - although they lasted much longer. Our school business manager Mrs Hall outdid herself organising and preparing the food hampers. We have such a wonderful caring team here who go above and beyond every day for our families.



We were also delighted to be awarded 10 laptop bundles by the Asda Foundation after a nomination from the Asda Ashton store. The laptops and support bundles containing headphones, dongles and data to support children’s learning were delivered to school and they really are fantastic. We can’t thank Asda and Dell enough for choosing our school to receive these laptops, they will go a long way in helping to break down digital barriers and help with any education remotely now and in the future.. 

We were featured in the Tameside reporter following this donation. You can see the article here.

Our pupils wrote valentines card to a local community group who work alongside Asda. It was lovely to be able to send a little something to brighten someone's day. Asda delivered the cards with a box of chocolates. What a way to spread some cheer during a global pandemic. Asda kindly donated some art resources to our school as a thank you which the pupils made great use of.