Community Links 

At Lyndhurst, we are committed to making links with our local community. By making strong and lasting relationships with the vast array of people and places close to us, we can not only enrich our curriculum offer for pupils but serve our local community. 

Our school ethos and all that we do contributes to pupils developing a sense of belonging to a small community and having some responsibility for our School and its people.  As children grow older, we encourage them to be more involved with the wider community by supporting local initiatives, charities and institutions.

We pride ourselves on being the heart of our community and are always seeking ways to further develop our community links and best serve our local area. 

Below you can find out about some of the partnerships we have forged and the projects we have worked on together.


Operation playground 

Mrs Chapman, some of our parents and their children spent their may holidays sorting out our KS1 playground.  They tidied the green areas, improved the greenhouse so we can finally use it for planting and even built a new shed for outdoor learning. 

Thank you to everyone that has donated plants and resources to help make it a better place to play for the children. What wonderful community spirit setting the example and making our school grounds look amazing for our children. 

We have more community projects in the pipeline to continue to improve our school.